Truth.. There is something that the viewer no matter how successful the message is delivered thru the work cannot experience, and that is the experience of the process.
Then we have Color Field by Liza Lou. I love that this artist brought in other people to produce this work being that it has so much to do with “uncelebrated labor.” Most of the time artists work alone. Our concepts are so internal and personal. Our experience with the process is solely our own. This art celebrates labor, celebrates the attention to the process of making something. That is why now when I look at this piece I find so much joy and happiness. I feel the togetherness of strangers being civilized and human to one another. The stories they share.. The bonding they experienced through process.. As an artist it reminds me that even when the viewer doesn’t understand what it is viewing.. well it doesnt even always matter. If people don’t take the time to understand what is presented in front of them well it is truly their loss!
Thank you Liza Lou! heart emoticon #lizalou #colorfield #lizalouartist
Art Show Reviews
The Curious Pigeon
I few years ago I was into writing art show reviews! Check them out here!
Judy Chicago 2001
Scope Art Fair 2007
Muniz PS1 2007
Kiki Smith- Whitney Museum of Art 2007
Walton Ford- Brooklyn Museum 2007